Friday, July 30, 2010

I have been thinking so much these past few, so much. I don't know how to even put what all is going on in my mind on paper. But here goes.

I feel so different than other teenagers. I just feel, kind of like an old soul. I've never been into partying...or anything of that sort. I just kind of lay low. I have a different aspect on life. I'm more focused on what life is about, not which boy I'm going to date tomorrow. Life is short. I believe every minute is a gift. You don't know anything for certain. You don't know if the person you're yelling at is really dying inside. You just don't know.

I have spent so much time wishing, dreaming, wanting what I can't have. I believe I have had a great life. Every single minute is precious...a gift. I just have been so lucky with what God has given me, and I can't express that enough. I've also been lucky in figuring out my life purpose in just sixteen short years. We all have a purpose...we're all here for a reason.

I still have more going in my mind but I don't know how to write it.

xoxo God Bless

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