The above picture describes so much. So much beauty. So much of who I am. You look at the picture, you see a flower. A flower with raindrops. And in the lower right hand corner....a pink ribbon. Cancer Sucks. Anyways. Things have changed...things have changed a lot. At times, I try to drown myself in my own self pity. But then I take a second thought. "What in the world am I sad for? I have a roof over my head, great friends, a small, yet great family, I have perfect health...and on the outside looking in, I'm well off." Lately, I've decided to not live for myself. But to live for others. Hate no one. Look down on no one. Remember, every single person is undergoing a battle. Sometimes I look at people....and I think "Wow. What a mean, selfish person." But, why am I thinking this? Do I even have a clue what they're going through? No. The truth is, we all need to see the good in everyone. Even the people who have hurt us. Even the people who have ripped our hearts out. Even the people who have said cruel things about us. Even the people who no matter what we do, continue to "hate" us. See the good in them. For example...Carrie Underwood's fan club party. I sat in the front row, highly anticipating the start of the party. Two girls come and sit behind me, I glance at them and then turn back around. I suddenly become very nervous, self conscious. Why, you ask? The two girls that sat behind me have torn me apart. They have said the meanest of mean about me, they have spread rumors, and all in all...they have hurt me. I sit there, thinking "Man, what did I ever do to them? I'm so unlikable." Moments later, another girl walks past me. She stops at me, and says something not worth repeating. I think to myself again, "Wow...I knew I was hated, but not to the point someone would say it to my face." My mood for the party went down hill. All because of three girls. And while I could have chosen to "hate" them, to talk bad about them, to spread rumors, I chose to see the good in them. I chose to see the good they had done in their life. The party was a good time...I had fun. While standing in the big crowd leaving the arena after the party, the girl who sat behind me, came and stood beside me with her Mother. Both whom gave me "dirty" looks. Once again, I think, "Wow...what in the world did she tell her Mom about me?" but I stop myself...I stop myself from seeing all the bad she has done. Everyone has good in them. And I am going to believe that even though she has hurt me, she is a good person.
God Bless.
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